Pinngo will help you save time and money! Have you thought about knowing the prices of supermarket products without leaving home? With Pinngo, this is possible! Now you will know which supermarket has the best price for the products you want to buy. Its quite simple! Just download the app and search for the desired product and we will show you which nearest supermarket offers the best offer. With access to hundreds of product prices, you can compare and decide the best supermarket in your area to make your purchase, convenient and fast! And you can even search for the desired product by name or barcode, create your own custom shopping lists, and save multiple lists for later use. Pinngo is a collaborative app. All values are registered daily by users like you, so your participation is very important.In just a few seconds you send the QR Code of your invoice and help in updating the information. So everyone wins!Follow Pinngo on social networks and join the smart shopping community!Learn tips on Instagram and on Facebook